Thank you for visiting our page - we are a group of 7 friends undertaking the Three Peaks Challenge on 17th July 2021. This involves climbing the highest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales, all within a 24hr period! We are starting at 7am at Ben Nevis in the Highlands of Scotland, then travelling to Scafell Pike in the Lake District and finally climbing Snowdon in Snowdonia, Wales, aiming to finish by 7am the next day! The total walking distance is 23 miles with an overall ascent of over 3000m and very little rest or sleep in between each peak.
We are raising money for Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge, who need £1.5 million to fund a new robotic machine to carry out keyhole surgery. Although they already have some of the best surgeons in the world, a new surgical robot will mean quicker, less invasive surgery and faster healing and recovery times for patients. Funding this machine will help Addenbrookes continue to provide lifesaving surgery, particularly to those patients suffering from liver disease as well as cancers of the kidney, bladder and pancreas. Please give generously if you can. Thank you very much.