My family has been hugely affected by Alzheimer's, my Nanna, Grandad and Grandma all suffered and passed away from the horrible disease.
My dad was diagnosed with Alzheimers quite a few years ago, this means as a family we are supporting as best we can. My mum does an amazing job on a daily basis and even volunteers and helped set up a dementia cafe in her local village to support people in the local area.
Now it's my turn to try and do something, so please help as much as you can with sponsorship and I will walk my little legs off!!
Alzheimer’s Society are working towards a world where dementia no longer devastates lives. They do this by giving help to those living with dementia today and by providing hope for the future by campaigning to make dementia the priority it should be and funding ground-breaking research.Thank you for choosing to trek for Alzheimer's Society, together we can be help and hope to everyone affected by dementia.