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Trance Aid Is the idea that I had to raise money for ‘Save the Children’ fund, by bringing together 24 of the world’s greatest Hypnotherapists and Hypnotists to do a live presentation.
The presenters are Derry Cooke - James Tripp - Nicholas Spohn - Brett Cameron - Sandra Grace - Faye Lawand-Maclean - Beryl Comar - Anthony Jacquin - Chris Thompson - Alberto Rezende Del'Isola - Ines Maria Antonia Simpson - Matt Hale - Rob De Groof - Victoria Marie Gallagher - Lori Hammond - Kaz Riley - Michael C Anthony - Richard Hill - Karl Smith - Jason Linett - Kathy Gruver - Marina Kostina - Freddy Jacquin
Because of the Covid19 crisis, millions more children are starving and dying, this is an opportunity for us to help, please give generously.
Thank you from my heart
Freddy Jacquin
**To put your kind donation into perspective
- £1 could treat 5 children suffering from Pneumonia, one of the biggest killers of children in South Sudan.
- £3 could provide a weeks’ worth of water trucking for a displaced family in Yemen.
- £14 could provide a hygiene kit to one household in Kenya.
- £24 could help a Yemeni victim of gender-based violence by referring them to specialised services such as legal support, health services, or safe shelter.
- £53 could provide a displaced family with basic food commodities for a whole month.
- £85 could support one severely malnourished child with medicine,
therapeutic food and other treatments at an outpatient clinic for a month in Ethiopia.