This June, I'm going to be cycling around all 22 dioceses of England and Wales to raise funds and awareness for CAFOD’s Hungry for Change campaign. I plan to cycle more than 1,000 miles between Catholic Cathedrals around England and Wales, and will be asking fellow cyclists to ride with me!
The inspiration for this bike ride came out of the blue, as an alternative to our regular fundraising quiz! I wanted to think of another way to raise money, so I was sat at home and then it came to me: ‘Why don’t I do a bike ride round each of the dioceses in the UK for CAFOD?’ I haven’t ridden a bike in 50 years, so I think the distance will the biggest challenge!
You can make a difference by joining me on a section of my route, or by organising your own local bike ride or static bike challenge. Check out the CAFOD website for more details.
I'd also be very grateful if you can sponsor me for this challenge and help join my mission to fight hunger. THANK YOU!
With thanks to 3 Peaks Cycles, who generously provided my bike for this challenge: