Hi? Lovely you dropped by, I'll keep this simple;
I am running in the 2012 Virgin London Marathon for Shelter. I really would love you to share in this exciting journey with me from now right up to the finish line.
There are two valuable ways you can support me;
1. Emotionally/Spiritually/Carbohydratlly!!!! By typing in this link to your web browser and joining me on my personal blog;
Follow me as I train, share my thoughts, feelings, rants and raves and leave comments to sympathize, encourage, chastise or motivate me as often as you feel I need it! (at least once a minute.....OK a week!!!)
2. Financially you can support me by either pledging sponsorship to me in person or making an on-line donation here now. Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure and if you pay tax your donation is increased by the government without a penny more taken from yourself.
I am delighted you found this page, please do join me and become of my sooooooo needed support team of friends.
Thank you for however you support me.