Please donate, every little helps, my employer Barclays will match all fundraising up to £1000. I will be doing a charity bike ride from Lissi de Figueiredo's house in Bristol to Suzanne Satterley's house in Taunton which is 50 miles on Friday 07 October 2022 and then back again so 100 miles in total in 1 day, approx.. 10 hours pedalling!!!!!!!
This will help raise vital money for large veterinary costs for Great Dane dogs recently helped by Daneline.
Faik is one of 5 Great Danes, mum and 4 sibling, which came into our care in January this year, in an appalling state. All were traumatised, terrified of humans and in desperate need of eye operations before they went blind plus general basic care for sores/wounds and in need of food. The veterinary treatment, although cost many thousands, was the easy part, it was trying to gain their trust, that humans would no longer hurt them anymore.
Faik arrived unable to stand, before coming to us as, you can see from the first photograph, he scooped himself across the ground to escape any human contact. His eyes were very infected and painful requiring an urgent operation to save his sight. Faik is now in tip top condition but still very cautious of direct human contact, trust is still a huge mountain to climb. Out of the 5, 4 have successfully been rehomed and living the best of
lives. Faik however is still struggling from the effects of the trauma and horror of his previous life. Faik will remain in our care, in a foster home, until we feel the time is right to rehome him. Daneline has spent £1867.24 on Faik up to Aug 2022.