Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
We as a family are just simply trying to raise money in memory of our mother/wife who we recently lost to a awful battle against secondary bone cancer.
In 2009 Joanne was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a fight against it to try get better, it included several surgeries, gruelling chemotherapy and so on. 5 years on Joanne was in remission.
Joanne had managed to get her life back to normal and focused on her family and her granchildren.
During 2016 Joanne was in and out the doctors throughout the year up until July with severe back pain and pain in her pelvis. She was told it was sciatica and put on the waiting list for physiotherapy. July 10th things had got so bad her husband Tony had to beg for an ambulance to come and pick Joanne up as she could not move out of bed. She was eventually taken to hospital and diagnosed with secondary bone cancer. She underwent treatment, radiotherapy, infusions to try lower her calcium levels etc. But the cancer was aggressive and her calcium levels were rocketing. An attempt at chemotherapy had to be stopped because of how ill she was.
We was then told after many hospital stays around a month or so ago there was nothing more that could be done, and Joanne's life expectancy was weeks. Her wish was to come home and remain at home. So after a lot and I mean ALOT of tweaking and a lot of prescriptions she was brought home with a lot of medication to keep her comfortable.
We then as a close family focused of caring for Joanne as best we could. She had lost all mobility and for us non experienced in caring it was a challenge but we done as she wanted. Joanne made it through Christmas and enjoyed her Christmas dinner and saw her grandchildren open their presents. But sadly on the 3rd of January she lost her fight and gained her wings.
I've set up this page as we want to raise as much money as possible in order for cancer research to try find a cure and stop this tragic disease that rips apart many people's lives.
No matter how big or small any donation is welcome.
Thank you for taking your time to read this.
We will also have a donation box at Joanne's funeral for people attending if you wish to donate via that.