Finding an effective treatment for Parkinson's is difficult enough so when one is looking likely why let it go without giving it a good deal of sound research? sounds crazy but that is what happened to GDNf a growth hormone for the cells diminished by PD. I should know I was among the 42 triallists who were involved in the unsuccessful trial in 2010/2014.
I want you to help the rest of those in our PD community get a chance to benefit from the treatment. by supporting this challenge . My team is one of 42 teams who will each attempt to cover 100 miles on bike or foot between 1st and 14th Sept 2021
I admit my motivation suffered from having a high risk of falling compounded by covid lockdowns and unhappiness with having to train and ride on indoor fixed cycles. I am now under the wing of RORO (Ride out Ride on) which gives disabled people like me the chance to experience riding in safety outside. I'll be riding recumbent in tandem with a rider (Holly) who looks after the steering and brakes supporting me throughout the planned three 2hr sessions. I am also supported by both of my sisters one in Essex and one in New Zealand! , daughter, son-in-law and their two children (9&5) plus another rider from local BBC Ujima Radio. The task I have set is to see how far I can go in three 2hr sessions. I am aiming to travel from home towards Yatton.. approx 15 miles.
This isn't for me but for one of the charities that supports those people who have or will have this debilitating condition so please give generously now. Thank you :)