Hey guys, I am taking part in the University of Central Lancashire's charity sky dive event! I am raising money for two charities: Rosemere Cancer Foundation which helps cancer patients in Lancashire and South Cumbria and the University's Harris Bursary Fund which helps students from disadvantaged backgrounds. I need to raise £400 in order to take part in the event and I would be hugely grateful if you could sponsor me. You can make a secure donation by credit or debit card - any amount would be greatly appreciated!
I am doing the sky dive on Saturday 24 April at Black Knights Parachute Centre in Cockerham near Lancaster - If you want to see me looking more than terrified you are welcome to come along and watch as I drop 14,000 feet from the plane! Thank you and hope you can help!
And let's be fair, you have all thought about chucking me out of a plane at one point in your life, now you get to do it and help out a charity! Perfect!