Ivy is aged 7 from Netherfield in East Sussex. She is one of the most determined children imaginable. Nothing stops this girl and being given the chance to have SDR surgery is a life changing opportunity for her. However, there is little availability of physiotherapy with the NHS after shes home following surgery at Great Ormond Street Hospital. To maximise the benefits of SDR sustained physio and other specialist therapies are needed. At least 4 sessions a week for the foreseeable future are advised.
After meeting with the team at GOSH they are so optimistic that Ivy will do incredibly well after SDR, so we want to give her the best possible chance and get her the therapy she needs to make this dream a reality!
Ivy currently walks with a Kaye Walker but has so much confidence that she walks very short distances unaided but with her condition causing her to walk high on her toes it means her balance isnt great and she falls after a few steps. SDR surgery will help release the tightness in her legs resulting in her being able to put her feet flat and get a better balance to walk.
Ivy refers to her surgery as magic and often says things like when shes had her magic, she will be able to bounce on the trampoline using her feet, something many of us take for granted.
Lets make this happen for Ivy and get her all the support she needs.
Every penny really does help!
Thank you