I'm taking part in Help for Heroes' Big Battlefield Bike Ride. It takes place in late May and involves six days of cycling in Northern France (and a few miles in Southern Britain too). We will be covering up to 75 miles a day so it's quite a challenge.
The aim of the ride is to raise as much money as possible for the charity Help for Heroes and their aim is to provide much needed facilities to help rehabilitate wounded servicemen and women. As a consultant anaesthetist at Selly Oak Hospital I see at first hand the wounded soon after their return from Iraq or Afghanistan. I am often involved in their initial treatment. Some of the injuries are horrific and all of the victims are incredibly young and incredibly brave.
I don't think it matters what you think about the rights and wrongs of war. I think what really matters is that once wounded these young men and women get the best treatment, rehabilitation, and support available. This is so important to help them rebuild their lives. That is why I am supporting this cause.
Please dig deep and help me raise the target. Giving through this web-site couldn't be easier, Help for Heroes will get the money much more quickly via this route, and don't forget to do the 'tax thingy' so that the Government chips in 28p for each of your pounds!