Martin Currie sponsors the Rob Roy Challenge which is a 15 mile walk/run (shuffle) and a 55 mile bike ride through the stunning scenery and brutal hills of the Scottish Highlands.
On 23 June this year I will be battling the midges to set off on this 70 mile epic and would really appreciate your sponsorship. I’m raising money for the Martin Currie Charitable Foundation which has raised over £2mn for charity over the 10 years of the Rob Roy Challenge.
I’ve done the RRC twice before – attached a photo of me applying my best death stare to the photographer in wait at the top of Schiehallion – and in both years have been fitter than I am now. I’m approaching 50, overweight and undertrained, and travelling far too much to get the training miles I need. The Scottish weather has also delivered snow and ice beyond Easter so stepping out in lycra, never attractive at the best of times, has been too high a hurdle to contemplate! This will undoubtedly be a challenge. Oh and just to put icing on the cake I’m also doing the Rat Race Coast to Coast in September which will see me walk, run, shuffle, cycle and kayak for 110 miles across Scotland over a weekend. If I end up swimming too something has gone badly wrong!
team #opsonthedrops
So in summary – please sponsor me!