Since starting my adventures in Tintanic I have now covered 450 miles and raised over £86,000 for a couple of charities.
This will be my 5th and final year of fundraising.I will be continuing to work with Children on the Edge who are a young, enthusiastic and caring organisation, raising money for deprived and down trodden children all over the world who through no fault of their own, have been born into a desperate and cruel world of grinding poverty. This includes orphaned Ukrainian children whose home was bombed in Kyiv.
I hope during the coming season to row the length of the Isle of Wight, providing I can find a kindred spirit to escort me... this event will be preceded by a launch in the Spring by a well known celebrity. During the Summer I will also be rowing Titanic in Chichester harbour and nearby rivers.
Thank you for your ongoing and generous support!