I will be completing a Step Challenge to raise awareness and fundraise for the British Tinnitus Association.
I want to raise money for the British Tinnitus Association so they can help others who are suffering with tinnitus.
I have suffered from tinnitus since I was eight years old due to a severe ear infection. After getting tinnitus it made me feel really isolated and stressed as I didn’t know how to cope with it and I would be left constantly hearing a high pitch buzzing in my ears, it affected me in more ways than I thought it would. As it started to prevent me from being able to understand what was being said as my tinnitus would be the only thing that I could hear.
After coming into contact with the British Tinnitus Association, I was able to find information and techniques to help me live with my tinnitus so I could hear it less. It also helped me feel happier because I was able to find information and connect with others my age who had tinnitus, letting me know I wasn't alone and that other people my age also have tinnitus.