Myself and my family want to raise awareness around mental health and depression, so myself and family and friends of robyn my niece , have decided to run the total warrior in Yorkshire on 22nd June with 89 of us as a team named ‘’from garforth with love’’ . A lot of effort has gone into this from a lot of people so all the fundraising from myself and ‘’ from garforth with love’’ will combine to go to this great charity Leeds mind. We are doing this as we lost a gorgeous amazing family member, my niece on the 6th February , she was an amazing mother, daughter, sister and niece and cousin and friend to everyone who met her. Robyn was battling deep depression and a lot of darkness clouded her mind and soul she sadly saw no way out of her situation. We as family supported her the best we could but we did not know just how depressed she was and this lead to Robyn’s passing 😞 as she saw no way out other than leaving this world behind. As a family we want to raise awareness so no one feels like they can battle depression on there own as there is help out there. So please donate what you can .