I am joining Leanne and Jamie fund raising for alzhiemers which is an excellent cause and I plan on cycling 500 miles in a month.
There are many of us who have friends and relatives that have been or will be impacted by this awful disease. In 2017 it was the leading cause of death amongst women and the 2nd leading cause for men. Mortality rates have increased over the last decade. In contrast the other top four causes of death in 2017 have all seen falling mortality rates in the last 15 years. Our family is currently caring for my mother in law who was diagnosed with mixed dementia of alzhiemers with vascular aetiology several years ago but has coped very well recently including with the passing of my father in law in the middle of the COVID 19 crisis. She has been living with us for several weeks and it has been unbelievably challenging and yet rewarding as, with encouragement, she revisits some skill sets she hasn’t touched for decades. We feel certain people with this dreadful disease can, up to a point, live fulfilled lives ...... But an urgent cure is what is needed and this is why we are looking to raise as many funds as possible with this bike ride.
Please give generously, but within your means.