Welcome, and thanks for visiting our page!
Back in 2014 we four mere mortals completed the Three Peaks Challenge, climbing the highest peaks in England, Scotland in Wales in under 24 hours, raising money for The Encephalitis Society.
4 years on and we're just about ready to spend another 24 hours together as we attempt to walk from Putney to Henley as part of the Thames Path Challenge. It's 100km, non-stop, along some beautiful parts of the Thames River (and Staines). A physical challenge, no doubt, but a mental one too as we prepare to tolerate each other's weak banter, emotional outpourings and tiresome stories reminiscing of times gone past when we were younger, fitter, and had stronger hairlines.
This time we hope to raise money for Above and Beyond, the official charity for all hospitals within the UH Bristol NHS Foundation Trust. When Pete was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2015 it was hospitals and staff supported by this charity that provided (and continue to provide) Pete with such outstanding care and support.
Please help us raise money for this incredible charity by giving whatever you can. Any amount, no matter how small, will no doubt give us the motivation we need to spend 24 hours in the company of each other (...and walk 100km).
Tom, Pete, Chris and Dan