Can you help us raise £3064?
We are a team of 9 colleagues from across the UK, raising money for the British Council Ben Fund by attempting the National Three Peaks Challenge.
What is the challenge? It involves climbing the three highest peaks of Scotland, England and Wales. The total walking distance is 23 miles (37km) and total ascent 3064 m (note - fundraising target) The total driving distance between the three is 462 miles. We plan to complete all this within 72 hours, from 1 - 3 October.
Why? We are supporting the Ben Fund and want to raise a pound for every metre climbed. All donations will go directly to supporting our current and former Afghan colleagues, and other colleagues past and present - and their families - around the world who find themselves facing hard times.
Who is in the team? Richard Everitt, Thomas Nissen, Marta Brichova, Jigna Mandalia, Andy Williams, Jenny Simms, Scott McDonald, Anikka Weerasinghe, Helen Worwood.
Your support means a lot to us and our colleagues in Afghanistan, and every contribution will help.
Just a pound for every metre!! Wish us luck...