Being able to take part in an Abseil down the ArcelorMittal Orbit in London to raise much needed, essential funds for Hearing Dogs For Deaf People, is an incredible opportunity and I cannot WAIT.
I'll be descending 262ft from the ground, taking 8 minutes and be able to see 32km if the weather is perfect, on the UK's highest free-fall Abseil!
We are all familiar with Guide Dogs - used by many blind people. There are also Hearing Dogs for Deaf People that are highly trained to alert deaf people to important and life-saving sounds, such as the smoke alarm, alarm clocks and even intruder alarms and baby monitors. Whilst we all take these for granted, a hearing dog could transform a persons life by being able to alert their owner to an event taking place. This could prove life saving.
Every penny I raise will help more life-changing pup's-in-training who will one day transform a deaf persons life. Hearing dogs are highly trained hey also provide lots of love, companionship and emotional support, which is really important as many deaf people can feel lonely and isolated. It costs £25,000 to fully train an accredited hearing dog, so The Big Summer of Fundraising is a great way to raise funds to train more dogs. Any donation, however large or small, will really help.