The time has come for me to take on the life time goal of completing a Marathon. Having been a keen runner for many years I always wanted my first marathon to be a big event, and i'm sure everyone would agree it doesn't get much bigger than the London Marathon. This day was made even more eventful for me in 2013, when my daughter Flori was born on London marathon day itself. I have completed the half marathon distance before, beyond that is completely unknown to me. Not only is this a big challenge for me but it also gives me the chance to raise money for a great charity Phab.
Phab promotes the coming together on equal terms of disabled and non-disabled people to make more of life together - through our exciting and challenging holiday projects for disabled and disadvantaged children and young people and 170 local Phab Clubs across England and Wales with 8,000 members.Thank you for supporting Phab and Phabkids - it makes such a difference