We have never been able to help but notice, and I have seen many others point out, how positive and supportive the Wheel of Time community is online, specifically #twitteroftime.
Having interacted with many other fandoms online, and honestly just the internet in general, we think it' fair to say that we are a pretty unique community in that regard. We always think it's a shame that other online communities not only don't share that same positivity, but really swing heavily in the negative direction.
We thought it would be a great idea to work with and donate to an organization that works so hard to help make the internet a safer and healthier place for everyone and to support those who need it.
That is why we have gotten together with content creators from all over #twitteroftime to try and do something to give back to the community.
So please donate anything you are able to and maybe we can do just a little bit to help some people out. #charityoftime
Tai'shar Manetheren