UPDATE - Emma has had to stop walking due to concerns over her safety. We want to say thank you so much to everyone who has donated, we really appreciate it and hope it contributes in some way to fighting MND.
In 2019, at the age of 53, our beautiful mum Jenny was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. As a family, we cared for her day and night and watched as she lost control of her entire body, until she was unable to move at all. Even the simple act of breathing became difficult and she was forced to use a breath assist machine. Just 6 months after being diagnosed, she died and we lost our mum and best friend forever.
We miss our mum every day. We miss her laugh, her hugs, her voice. We think about all of the things that she won’t be around for - births and weddings and graduations. But what hurts even more than missing her is knowing the torture she endured for the last 6 months of her life. It breaks our hearts to think that there are people experiencing that exact same torture at this very moment, that there are families who are living through some of the very worst that life has to offer.
So we’re walking the length of the UK from Land’s End to John O Groats to raise money for the MND Association. They not only help families with the incredibly high medical costs of this disease but also fund research into finding a cure. At this moment, MND is a death sentence. There’s no cure. There’s not even much information about what the cause is. We’re so desperate to ensure that one day other families won’t have to watch their loved ones slip away and that no one else will suffer like our mum did.
If you’re able to make a donation (no matter how small!), we’d be forever grateful! Unfortunately MND isn’t as well known as a lot of other diseases, despite how horrific it is, and as a result it lacks the funding it needs. Thank you from the bottom of our heart to all of the beautiful people that have been there for our mum and our family over the past year and half - we appreciate it more than words can say