Qur'an Project (Phase 2)
on 17 April 2011
on 17 April 2011
Alhamdulillah, by the Grace of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala we're able to launch 'PHASE 2' of our fundraising campaign for The Qur'an Project. Please view our first appeal at: www.justgiving.com/thequranproject, which was extremely successful alhamdulillah (and still going strong!).
The believer's shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity. [Tirmidhi]
The Qur’an Project allows each and every one of us to contribute towards a national and international Dawah project, granting us all the opportunity to benefit from the work and receive a portion of the good deeds inshaAllah! This is a unique project in that not only are we distributing FREE English Translations of the Qur’ans, the book itself is more than just a simple translation. It is in fact a fully comprehensive guide including informative appendices on the many aspects of Islam such as the role of women, Seerah of our Beloved Prophet (sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam), and a short guide on performing wudu and salaah – just to name a few.
What we’re asking for is financial contributions towards the printing of further copies. This will enable us to carry on with the good work of spreading the Deen of Islam.
It is a duty upon every Muslim to convey the message of Our Lord to mankind, have you done your bit?
Remember to select 'Gift Aid' if you are a UK Taxpayer - this will enable us to reclaim an extra 28% in tax back from the Government for every eligible donation.
Watch our promo videos for our previous video campaigns:
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