This week for CFS/ME awareness week I am doing a charity event on my twitch channel!
Tune in at 11 AM CT on Wednesday May 8th, and Friday May 10th!
Donate any amount to the open medicine foundation to receive a special streamavatar gear for your ham on my stream (Please let me know your twitch username :D). You will also be entered to win 1 of several art prizes:
- European Robin Art Card from Ham
- Frog Art Card from Ham
- Raccoon Art Card from Ham
- Mystery Pack 1 from Ellen
- Mystery Pack 2 from Ellen
- Painting from Stitchin_Witch
- Digital Character/Animals portrait from Sheeps
- Painting from Ennayelsel
- Landscape Painting From PolishedPerspective
- If we manage to hit $500, I will add in one last art card prize
Since we have passed up our goal of $100, I've added in some extra prizes! A few of my amazing artist friends have also offered to add in these prizes of their own <3 Thanks so much guys!
I will choose the winners via random number generator on Saturday at 5PM Central time. I will announce them on my discord, twitter, and IG story!
If you'd like to learn more about ME/CFS check out this post by my friend Ellen where she talks about her every day struggles with this illness: