It is that time of year, when we do something crazy, and your combined generosity makes it worthwhile for a wonderful cause.
After 193 of you very generously helped me raise £10,000 for Great Ormond Street last year, this year four of us are aiming to raise £30,000 for Brain Research UK (and in only 32 days). To do so we have decided to take on a rather ludicrous challenge – run the London Marathon dressed as a four man Chinese Dragon. This may sound easy, but running 26.2 miles with four runners, an 8 metre long dragon-drape, a dragon’s head bouncing at the front (photos to follow soon), and whilst manoeuvring amongst the 42,000 runners, toilet stops & water breaks this will be anything but! This is our “Feed the Dragon” conquest – the more you donate, the more energy we will have and the faster we will run. The current world record stands at 4 hours and 3 minutes – a tough ask but we are going to give it a crack!
Brain Research funds exceptional research into everything from brain tumours to migraines, from Alzheimer’s to strokes. They are a small
charity delivering huge future value to every one of us (and our families) who may become victims of these diseases in years to come.
Please help us support them by donating to this wonderful cause.
On the day there will be an organised “Dragon Slayers” group
following us around (via a pre planned route of drinking establishments) with a live radio feed to the dragon. Everyone is welcome to join the group, and later join the dragon for a beer near the Finish Line.
Please donate generously to support the wonderful work of Brain Research UK (and energise us poor dragon-runners)!