Alhamdulillah, with the blessings of Allah Subhānahū wa Ta'ālā and the Barakah of His Rasūl sallAllāhu alayhi wa sallam, this years Virtues Tour held the theme of the 'Virtues of Charity' which has reached a long to be remembered completion.
An intention was put forward to raise £92,000 over the tour and with your persitent continual support and generous donations, the target figure has not only been reached but exceeded.
On behalf of Greensville Trust, we wish to thank you immensely as every step of this journey has been made possible due to the contributions of each and every donor.
We ask Allāh to accept your every intention and duā, to grant you multiple returns in this life and in the hereafter, to bless you and your loved ones with all goodness and well-being and may He keep you in His inner-most sphere of love and mercy with the light of His supreme Prophet pbuh filling your hearts and lives with eternal tranquility.
Please continue to support the Olive Mount with your love, duās and donations