I send warm fraternal greetings from the Provincial Grand Master, Brother Norman MacLeod
I hope that you and your family are keeping well at this difficult time. The Provincial Grand Master is aware that you will all be missing your Masonic meetings and social contact, however he is committed to ensuring that the safety and wellbeing of our membership is paramount and that we will only resume Masonic activities when it is safe to do so, and when government restrictions are lifted.
Despite there being no formal Masonic meetings, the work of the Province continues, in particular the ongoing work of our hard-working Provincial Grand Almoner, Brother Bruce Coates and the other members of the Benevolence Committee. They have seen many and varied calls for assistance. Through the previous generosity of the Lodges and Brethren of this Province and the careful stewardship of the funds, the Benevolence Committee, on your behalf have been able to respond to all these claims.
This is an uncertain time for us all and I know that many of our members will have worries about the future, and what it holds for them as individuals. Likewise, many charities face an uncertain future at a time when there will arguably be a greater call on their resources. Our own nominated charity, Motor Neuron Disease Scotland (MND), have shared their concerns with us that they predict a major fall in their income over the coming months.
As you are aware, the Province had a number of events planned over the next few months with a view to supporting MND. Unfortunately, many, if not all, of these events will no doubt face cancellation, which will hit our ability to support the charity this year. Whilst the Provincial Grand Master appreciates that we are in difficult times he has asked me to write to you on behalf of the Province to ask that individual Brethren and Lodges give consideration to making whatever donation they feel able to give to allow us to continue our support for this worthy cause. I can assure you whatever you can donate will be gratefully received.
Please visit the Provincial Grand Lodge of Edinburgh website at alternatively go to PGLE Facebook page and donate to the just giving page
If you feel that you are able to make a small donation, this can either be made via cheque payment or bank transfer. If you wish to donate by cheque, please make cheques payable to ‘The Provincial Grand Lodge of Edinburgh’ and write ‘MND’ on the reverse of the cheque.
And send to;
Steven Cowie
7 Ravelrig Hill
EH14 7DJ
Brethren, can I on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master, thank you in anticipation of your continued support of the charitable work of Provincial Grand Lodge.
Yours faithfully and fraternally,
William Innes
Assistant Grand Secretary