I am walking at MS Walk 2022 to support research and treatment development for MS. In June this year it will be 10 years since my diagnosis. I am doing well so far, because it has led me to change my life. I have learned a lot about myself, and about how to cultivate optimal health. MS has not ruined my life, but it has affected it dramatically. It also has a huge impact on my family.
I am so excited that my family are doing this with me. My husband, my teenage step-daughters and my 7 year old are all fully on board - which says a lot about how well-supported I am! They all have their own fundraising pages so feel free to sponsor them too if you would like to.
MS is an unpredictable and incurable condition that affects people's nervous systems. It can attack suddenly or progress steadily, bringing a range of symptoms which can include sight loss, pain, tremors, sensory loss, incontinence, fatigue and mobility problems. No-one with MS can be sure when or how it will affect them next.Your donations will go towards life-changing MS research. Thank you!
(Photo by Donna Ford - www,