UPDATE - Well we did it! The kids were brilliant, all 7 of them! We had two late recruits in the form of Mairisa Spiers and Josie Knipmyer. Campbell managed to keep a straight face as he accompanied the mums in our purple wigs for 14 long miles. Photo's coming soon!
Once again we have been hugely touched by the generosity of all our friends and family, thank you! On top of your kindness, two strangers approached us on the walk and gave us donations for the Marsden. This kind of generosity is what makes this event so worthwhile - thanks again to everyone for all the contributions!
Jill and Vicki are once again taking on the Marsden March in memory of our dads, Leonard Workman and Fred Allardice, and Vicki's sister Gill Nelson.
This time we are dragging the family along too! Rich, Esme and Toby will join David, Finlay and Charlotte on the 5 mile walk, and Campbell is doing the 14 mile walk with the mums!
Any support you can spare is greatly appreciated, Every penny counts! THANKS!