Aside from school meals, 1 in 6 children in Mecosta County are unsure where their next meal will come from. One Friday, a volunteer was working with students who were learning vocabulary words at a local elementary. The word "Saturday" was next on the list. The volunteer asked the children what their plans were for Saturday. One child simply replied, "we go searching."
Thinking that was a game of sort, the volunteer asked what he searched for.
"We search for food," said the student.
Shocked, the volunteer asked, "don't you receive Angel Bags?"
"Yes," said the student, "but I keep those in my locker until we are really hungry and can't find food.
These words, coming from an elementary student brought the volunteer to tears. These young kids are having to wise beyond their years in order to survive and help their family eat in times of desperate measure. We must help our future generations by ensuring that they have enough food today!