Terence Ronald Gibbons 19.1.65 - 28.11.18
My darling husband departed this mortal sphere on Wednesday 28th November 2018.
He was the love of my life. My saviour. My lamb. I told him I loved him every single day. I told him that love like this doesn’t happen to everyone and we had 8 years. 8 years of the kind of certainty that comes once in a lifetime. I was given the gift of 8 years with the kindest, cleverest, sweetest, funniest, most loyal man I have ever known. I told him I was put on this earth to love him. I was lucky beyond words to be loved by him.
I want the world to know how damn wonderful Terence Ronald Gibbons was.
I love you so much my darling. I will never stop loving you. Ever. You are with me constantly my sweet TG. Thank you.
His wish was that the great life-changing research carried out by The Royal Marsden be supported after his passing so that they can change the lives of others. Please donate what you can.
Thank you.
Mrs Abi Gibbons