This is our lovely friend, Tracey Betts. We all met Tracey a number of years ago thanks to Natalie Meeks bootcamps/classes. In fact we’ve met a lot of friends this way but TB (as we call her) is one of a kind. We don’t think she would mind us saying but Tracey has had a very very crappy 18 months. In addition to a cyst resulting in major surgery, Tracey was also diagnosed with Epithelioid Hemangioendotherlioma (EHE). EHE is a rare cancer that effects 1 in 2 million people worldwide and due to it being so rare there is little information about treatments or the condition itself.
Tracey has accepted this diagnosis with exceptional grace and bravery. She has carried on regardless and dare I say it, we have laughed at the ‘luck’ she has had over the last year and a bit.
With this in mind Alex, Larry, Charlie and myself have agreed to run ‘The EHERCC Awesome 40 - London Landmarks half marathon (LLHM) on August 1st 2021. For those of you who know us, running is something we do not enjoy doing but this seems such a small insignificant thing in comparison to what Tracey and others with EHE go through on a daily basis.
Please could you help us raise funds for the critical research and provide hope to those with EHE.