In Surrey there are over 130,000 unpaid carers. Over 10% of the population of Surrey are providing unpaid care to a person in need.
For many unpaid carers earning a regular income or taking a little time out from caring is simply not an option. They often feel isolated with no one to turn to, which can have a negative impact on their own mental and physical health.
By helping people stay in their own homes for longer, unpaid carers save the UK economy £132 billion per year and help to reduce early hospital and residential care admissions.
It is estimated that 2 out of 3 people will become a carer in their lifetime.
Unpaid carers are daughters, sons, parents, partners and friends ... they are all of us ... we are all the glue that hold families and life together.
By supporting this campaign, you can help Crossroads Care Surrey provide even more respite breaks for Surrey's unpaid carers. Everyone needs a break and none more so than an unpaid carer.