The Healthy Relationships Program of Brockton was born and raised in COVID through the work of our resilient, engaged, intelligent, and ambitious little group of teenagers. They all came to our peer leader program with the same goal - educating themselves, their friends and their communities about teen dating violence, being a supportive and non-judgmental ally, and promoting healthy relationships.
With their support and hard work, we have able to reach over 100 community members both adults and teenagers alike, about our mission in this past year, beating our original goal. Our peer leaders learned about setting boundaries, positive communication, having empathy for others, and of course the red and green flags of relationships. After completing a six week training session, they went full speed ahead into community meetings, Zoom presentations, in person after school programs - even dedicating weekend hours to leading trainings to other teens.
Our program is still a newborn - only a year old - and as we all know, whether you are raising a child or starting an educational outreach program, the first year is the most trying.
But we are so excited to be able to continue on another year and reach even more community members, and recruit even more peer leaders. Your donations and support allow us to continue on our education as prevention journey, and continue to work alongside the other dedicated FCR staff and keep our doors open. The Covid 19 pandemic may be receding, but domestic violence, tragically, is not. This October, for Domestic Violence Awareness Month, will you join me and take action to raise awareness and support for the many victims and survivors of domestic violence? Together we can help change the lives of survivors and their families