You may have already heard of Eleanor (Elle) Wright, so if you haven’t, allow me to introduce you.
Elle became acquainted with Rachel (my wife) on social media. They found each other on Instagram through a series of shared #hashtags. For a while it seemed that their lives were running in parallel. There was acknowledgement of each other's shared interests and Rachel and Elle became mutual followers. To this day they have not actually met in person.
We had noticed that her social media channel had gone a little quiet. Her son Edward Constantine Wright (Teddy) was born weighing 6lb 2oz. All was well, a beautiful baby was born and a new adventure began.
Teddy was born with a rare condition which, in short rendered him
“Non – life compatible” There was nothing that anyone could do. Surrounded by his closest family. On Thursday 19th May, little Teddy passed away aged just 3 days.
Elle has since started to share her story through her Instagram and blog site
In an effort to come to terms with the loss of her baby boy, she and her social media followers have already managed to raise well over £25,000 for the Little Roo Neonatal Fund that worked so hard for Teddy for those few precious few days. (you may recognise the teddy bear in the above image from the "Teddy for teddy" campaign)
She writes in moving detail every emotion she felt during this time. In reading this piece, I must confess I was in floods of tears. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain and heartbreak this new family went through. Elle continues to share her story with a real sense of warmth, humility, courage (though she would hate to be credited with that) and dare I say it, often a bit of humour.
I read the occasional blog and article online. It is rare that I am so deeply moved by the written word. With this in mind and as a tribute to her and her incredible efforts I am delighted to announce I am launching a new
campaign to raise money for the same Neo-Natal trust.
As a runner myself and on the back of this watching the inspirational scenes of this year’s London marathon, I have put myself in the ballot to run next year’s event in Teddy’s name.
As there is no guarantee I will secure a place for London, I have officially secured a place in the Edinburgh Marathon 2018. That means there is chance I could be running 2 marathons in as many months.
Using the name #TEDicated, I plan to generate as much as possible through a series of fundraising activities and events I really hope to continue Elle's incredible work so we can make something good come of a story tinged with so much sadness.
I am proud to associate myself with such a worthwhile cause, but I think it is interesting at least to recognise the role social media has had in this endeavour. Often we find inspiration in the most unlikely of places. I have not met Elle, she lives the best part of 100 miles away from us, yet in reading her touching memoirs, I am inspired and determined to continue Teddy’s legacy. Not only this, but I wanted to show Elle and her family that we stand with them.
I would be incredibly grateful if you could donate, contribute and share this story. This project is and never has been about me. It is more in the hope that other venerable beings are given a chance that regretfully little Teddy didn’t have.
Thank you