Teatime With Matt proudly presents Teatime With Matt's 24 Hour Tea Break, a 24 hour live charity broadcast featuring all of your favourite features from Teatime With Matt! Join Matthew Alden-Farrow and special guest Sarah-Jayne Collins for an entire day of music, comedy and fundraising!
Featuring 12 distinct themes chosen by you, the audience, Matt and Sarah-Jayne will plan the content of the show on the fly, making the challenge of 24 hours of live content all the more! The show will also feature interaction with the audience through the Livestream Chatroom, as well as contact through Facebook, Twitter and Skype.
Teatime With Matt's 24 Hour Tea Break will be raising money for Mind, a charity which offers information and advice to people with mental health problems and lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf. It also works to raise public awareness and understanding of issues relating to mental health.
"I'm so excited about the broadcast! It's going to be great fun but also extremely rewarding knowing that we are raising money for such a great cause. We've got some awesome stuff planned and I can't wait to share it with you all!" - Matt
"I didn't want to do it, but Matt made me..." - Sarah-Jayne
So tune in on Saturday 10th October 2015 at 12:00pm (BST) at for the most challenging and entertaining show we've ever undertaken!
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Skype - teatimewithmatt