Our employer, Thornbury Nursing Services are proud supporters of the Cavell Nurses’ Trust. As one of the charity’s ‘Working With’ programme founding members, Thornbury Nursing and all employees have been fundraising to support the charity for over a year.
As an employer of nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants, we know first-hand the hardships these special individuals can face and we want to do all that we can to fundraise and offer financial support to any individual living through personal or financial hardship.
The team tackling Mount Snowdon are: Harveen, Teri, Rob, Sandie and Becky.
We would really appreciate any contribution you can make to supporting our 10K trek and help us to be #HereForNurses
Cavell Nurses' Trust are here for UK Nurses, Midwives and HCAs, whether working or retired, with money and support when they are living through personal or financial hardship, often because of illness, domestic abuse, disability, working poverty and older age.Put simply, we’re ‘Here for Nurses’.