Thank you for taking the time to visit our JustGiving page. We are a group of friends coming together to take on a 20 mile ‘Midnight Walk’ challenge in memory of Jo Harrison, and to show our gratitude to St Catherine’s Hospice for the support given to Jo and her family. Team Jo walkers names listed further below:
Our friend Jo
Jo was diagnosed with a rare form of cervical cancer in the lockdown summer of 2020. She faced her condition and treatment bravely and with such good humour, and passed away on Friday 27th January 2023. Jo will be much missed by friends, colleagues and fellow parents at Lingfield Cricket Club and Lingfield College. She leaves behind William, aged 14, and her husband Nigel.
Our goal
‘Team Jo’ are fundraising for St Catherine’s Hospice in Crawley, a local charity with a big ambition – to make sure nobody faces death and loss alone. The hospice relies on donations to offer end-of-life care and support to people in Sussex and East Surrey. Their services are critical, from tailored nursing care in wards and in a patient’s home, to bereavement and emotional support for families.
Join us
Any donation will make a direct difference to families facing terminal illness. St Catherine’s Hospice has never needed our support more. Please give what you can.
Team Jo: Walkers - 20 miles unless distance specified
Deb Allen, Olive Appavoo, Jo, Stuart & William Bailey, Anna Brown, Charlie & Liz Chatfield, Zoe Cogan, Ed, Gemma, Nicole & Will Collingwood, Elias & Jackie Clench, Anna & Matthew Dean (13 miles), Philly Dean, Tilly (13 miles) & Zoe Greenfield, Nigel & William Harrison, Sammy Kirk, Louise Leppard, Kirstie Mayes, Annie & Max McLean, Bela Morris, Ali Osbourn, Harry Parker, Meet Patel, Lisa Pereira, Julie & Simon Pilkington, Dan, Mel & George Pollard, Inga Siwizka, Siobhan Stone, Andrew & Miranda Telfer, 'Charlotte, Mabel & Steve Wright (13 miles)', Claire Visser, Tania Worth.