Hi my name is Andrew Nattrass and on the 15th of September my friends and I are taking the Coniston Challenge to help raise money for Guide Dogs.
We are called Team Felix after my Black Labrador Guide Dog who has helped me for past 4 years . As I am visually impaired I have to have total trust in Felix to help me with my day to day living. Felix is my 3rd Guide Dog. It costs on average £50,000 to to train and care for a Guide Dog through out its life. We are doing this challenge to raise funds to help train guide dogs that will total transform the lives of people in similar situation to myself and to give something back to a charity that has done so much for me over the years.
The challenge I am undertaking, assisted by my team mates, is to climb the six miles of the old man of coniston, then cycle 12 km through grizedale forest and finally a 1 mile canoe across the lake. Not easy if you have proper vision !!
Please donate what ever you can to what is for me and lots of others a life changing charity.
Thank You
Andrew and Felix on behalf of Team Felix
Mike, Adrian, Paul.