The students at Love of Learning Montessori School are participating in Read to Succeed to raise money for their school, in addition to other charities. It will run Jan. 15th to Feb 26th. Investing in their own education, participating in non-profit giving, working towards a goal, and making a commitment is a valuable lesson. The aim of Read to Succeed is to promote literacy, strengthen reading related skills, and spark the love of literature in our children. You can help spread the love of learning and reading in our children by supporting their efforts. You can sponsor a child in many ways: you can make a pledge per minute read, give a gift along the way, or a donation at the end. You can share your child's page with friends & family as easy as copy and pasting their link! At the end of the event, the children will conclude with a costume contest which is open to K-8th grade on March 3rd (Dr. Seuss birthday!) There will be skits performed from written works by our older children.