Marathon Des Sables 2022
Me, Rachel Jane Tanner & Bea Williams are all doing it together
Our chosen charity is Llamau
We’ve done quite a bit with LLAMAU over the last few years with the help of Dora Evans, so it makes sense for us to carry on in this way
It’s a cause that means a lot to us with Rach experiencing severe mental and psychological abuse in her home up until 13 years old until she moved out, this still affects her today
Me and Rach went through a period of destitution 10-12 years ago where we couldn’t afford food regularly and had to decide between food or petrol to get to the job centre, the job centre always won as we’d get nothing if we missed our appointments
We’ve been there, we know what it’s like and we want to help people in these similar situations as much as we can
Who Llamau are;-