Pat, Flick, Chris and Ryan are joining forces to take on one of the most prestigious marathons in the world in memory of Al Dawson and raising money for Bone Cancer Research Trust (BCRT).
In 2007 Al Dawson passed away following a two year fight against Osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. Al was a keen athlete and at the age of 14 ran the "London Mini-Marathon" for Yorkshire. In his memory we are taking on the FULL 26.2 mile London marathon to raise much needed funds to aid research into cures for bone cancer.
The most common form of bone cancer is Osteosarcoma, predominantly diagnosed in children and adolescents. Generally, cancer survival rates are improving year on year. Unfortunately, survival rates in bone cancer haven't improved for over 30 years.
BCRT are doing all they can to change this and with your support and kind donation we can move to improving these statistics, improving research and reducing mortality rates.
We thank you and wish us good luck!
Pat, Flick, Chris and Ryan x