SpecialEffect are a charity that puts fun and inclusion back into the lives of people with physical disabilities by helping them to play video games. Using technology ranging from modified games controllers to eye-control, they are finding a way for people of all ages to play to the very best of their abilities.There's no one-size-fits-all way of doing this, so SpecialEffect's expert team meet people face-to-face to find out exactly what they want to play and assess what they will need to play it. They then match or modify technology to create and loan truly personalised gaming control setups, and back this up with lifelong follow-up support.SpecialEffect don't charge for any of their services, so rely 100% on donations raised by gamers and the wider community. That's why events like this are so important in helping them to keep doing whatever it takes to raise the quality of life for as many disabled gamers as possible.Discover more at