One day between the 4th & 8th July 2013 I am swimming from Dover to Calais to raise money for War Child.
Most of you probably think I am crazy for signing up to this challenge. And you are probably right. No wet suit, extremley cold water, plenty of jellyfish and the busiest shipping lane in the world (not forgotting all the sewage!)... so yes, you are definitely right. I am crazy.
But I am very much up for this challenge. Scared, and apprehensive, but up for it all the same. War Child is the Charity of the Year at my work and I have supported it since the beginning by going along to various fundraisers- but now I want to make a big splash (excuse the pun!) and swimming from England to France seems like a good way to do that.
So, all I ask is that you kind people pledge a few pennies or pounds so I can hit and exceed my target and raise a lot of money for a fantasitc cause. For those who know me well, and for those who don't, here is one fact that you can consider when sending over your money...
Nothing scares me more than pigeons (even skydiving doesn't make my heart race).
UNTIL NOW... THIS challenge scares the living daylights out of me (even more than street birds!) so it is a BIG deal! I need your support to encourage me to put mind over matter and get in that water! Horror stories of pitch black night swims, strong currents, eels getting stuck in swimsuits & jellyfish stings to the face are scaring me senseless!
So please dig deep and donate now. Whatever I raise will be matched by my great workplace, Forward, and then from that I will cover the costs for the boat which will run alongside us to make sure we don't get hyperthermia or swim in front of a cargo ship! I will fund the rest of the costs myself. HUGE thanks in advance, I really appreicate it.
Thanks for visiting my page,
Tara :)