Our friend Tanner Mellor of Tennessee lost his life on December 11th, 2020. At just 25 years old this was a tragic loss for his mother Sharlynn and Father Pat, along with the rest of his family and friends. He will be missed tremendously.
Tanner was a kind man who loved serving in Rwanda with us. On one particular trip, Tanner helped us install 13 new rainwater catch systems which brought clean water to an entire village.
In memory of Tanner and in lieu of flowers, the family has requested donations be made towards the work Advocates For Africa is doing in Rwanda. We plan to use these funds to install a fresh, clean water well for a local village. This well will be a standing memorial for the heart Tanner had for the Rwandan people.
The World Health Organization indicates that the 3rd leading cause of death for a child under 5 in Africa, is directly linked to drinking dirty water. To make matters worse, the average distance many have to walk to fetch this dirty water is 7 miles. At Advocates For Africa we are doing all we can to reverse these statistics by installing fresh water wells and rainwater harvest systems for those in the greatest need.
With your donation of ANY AMOUNT, you can know you're doing your part to help end the water crisis for those in Africa.
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