Wow who would have thought a year ago I would have a justgiving page for a running event and a half marathon at that?!?!
Last year I set myself a 5 stone weight loss challenge together with my 1st Moonwalk (walking marathon) in memory of my friend Sally who died of breast cancer. Over that year my friends & family have seen my life change drastically into a very positive & active one. I smashed that 5 stone goal and lost a further 3st!! I’ve also received medals having completed a 5k, a 10k run and my latest race which was a third of a marathon (8.74 miles)!!
I have now upped my weightloss target to 10 stone. The next logical running step is a half marathon (13.1 miles) and consequently I’ve entered myself into GNR which will hopefully help me to lose my last 2stone! This may not seem a lot in the big picture, but the last 2 stones are proving to be the hardest of all!!
Why Bowel Cancel UK? I am running GNR in memory of my Dad who lost his battle with bowel cancer 6 years ago (17/04/2009) and for all my friends currently going through Bowel and other Cancer treatment. xxx
If you see me out & about training, please beep your horn or give me a wave, it really does help to keep me going!!
Please help me support Bower Cancer UK with any donation no matter how small.
Thanking you in advance
Tammy xxx