Talia developed patchy hair loss when she was 3 and progressed to total hair loss 6 months later. She is perfectly healthy but although alopecia isn’t life threatening, it is life changing. For us as parents this has been an incredibly difficult time as hair is such a big part of identity and the world is not always as accepting as it could be. The randomness of this condition with no guaranteed treatment is also a challenge. It really did turn our world upside down in a very confusing way. Alopecia UK do an amazing job of supporting both those with alopecia and their family members. I support them by volunteering and this September, for alopecia awareness month, we would like to raise a few pennies to help them continue their vital role in support, awareness and research. Every little bit helps, perhaps swap your takeaway coffee or cake for a donation? I will also make a batch of cupcakes for one lucky (local) person, drawn at random from the donations list. I wrote a blog for them from me to Alopecia
Alopecia UK is a small registered charity working hard to improve the lives of those affected by alopecia. The charity has aims of Support, Awareness and Research. A diagnosis of alopecia can make you feel like your world has been turned upside down. It can impact on relationships, work and social life. Many can find it difficult to go out in public to begin with, or even look in a mirror. Alopecia UK is here to help people at this difficult time.