Asalaamu Alikum wa Rahmatullah, thank you for visiting my page, I have teamed up with my local charity Children of Adam who have been working all around the world since 2013 assisting people in need from orphan care, to providing safe water to medical and emergency relief when needed.This year they have asked me to help them to sponsor and look after ten families this Ramadhan by providing them with a food parcel to last them through the blessed month of Ramadhan. The reason we are asking for the donations now is that we need to get the food out to the families before Ramadhan starts InshaAllah.I only need you to donate towards one food parcel which is only £30 which you would agree is small amount for such huge reward in opening other peoples fast.Please note, you can use your Zakah on this appeal.Please do give what you can, may Allah swt bless you for your continued support and helping me reach my target of £15,000 to sponsor families this Ramadhan.Thank you.