For the third year we are holding an 24 hour gaming event in support for our current charity partner Autistica. This event is AutisticaPlay A 24 hour gaming marathon to raise money to help people who are affected by Autism. You’ll need stamina, determination and, well, pretty strong thumb muscles. You see, AuitisticaPlay is another level of gaming challenge. Fire up a games machine/PC (or several) and get sponsored to play for a full 24 hours. A team could try and complete the Le Mans 24 hour race in Project Cars, or tournaments could be held throughout the day over multiple games to crown the ultimate endurance gamer. The possibilities are enormous. The entire point of this marathon is to raise much needed funds to enable Autistica to continue the great work they do supporting people. The marathon is taking place over the last weekend in November (30th/1st) and we will be streaming on Twitch throughout. Make sure you watch us and see what we're getting up to.