Welcome to the Richmond Park Duathlon 2012 (cycling 20Km / running 3.5Km). This campaign goes towards building our FIFTH water well in a remote community in Africa.
On 21st October you are invited to cycle 2 laps around Richmond Park and run through the park (map in photos). You can also team up with somebody to do only cycling or running. It's up to you !!!
Ways to participate:
1) Visit our FB SupportInc page, please 'like' it and check all the information and pictures of previous water well campaigns.
2) If you want to participate in the Duathlon, donate any amount you want.
3) Spread the campaign among all your friends encouraging donations and/or participation
Campaign Details:
£3,070 will build a freshwater well in a village and provide up to 250 people with clean drinking water to a community in Malawi. 95% of your donation will go DIRECTLY to build the water project (5% covers PumpAid existence costs).
In 6 months, you will be able to see the exact geographical position of the well and pictures of it!!! We are supporting Pump Aid, a field partner of Charity:Water.
The donation is secure and all the money goes straight to Pump Aid. If you are based in the UK please include Gift Aid.
We will have volunteers taking care of the bike while running.
PS: This campaign builds on top of the amazing fundraising efforts of Fred Vessey and James Garnett of the Rickshaw Run in India earlier this year.